- What is a Savannah Cat?
- Different Generations
- What is an SBT Savannah?
- Why are Savannahs so expensive?
- Diet
- Litter Training
- Vaccinations
- Vet Care
- Please Do Not Declaw!
- Hybrid Laws and Regulations
- Registration Codes
- Sizing of a Savannah Cat
- Savannah Colors and Patterns
- Savannah Personalities
- Savannah Trait Differences Between Generations

What is a Savannah Cat?
A Savannah cat is a cross between an Exotic African Serval and a domesticated house cat. Savannahs are noted for their tall and slender bodies and their large ears. Savannahs are a newer breed starting in the late 80’s, and the breed grows more breeders worldwide are mating a Serval to a domestic successfully.
Unlike hybrid breeds of other animals, Savannah cats are classified by the amount of each breed that they contain. We have controlled our breeding process down to an exact science to ensure everyone receives the perfect pet for their household. From F1 Savannah Kittens through F6 Savannah Kittens, we have them all. When breeding a domestic household cat with a beautiful exotic animal such as the African Serval, it takes caution, care, a lot of work and a lot of love. Here at One Elite Savannah we breed our Savannah kittens from the heart. Our pure love of the breed has helped us create the very breed that many have come to love. Our adorable Savannah kittens are heart wrenchingly beautiful and are extremely intelligent.
There is no better family pet than a Savannah cat. With the energy and loyalty of a brand new puppy and the independence and awareness of the best domestic house cat, the Savannah kitten is breed to have it all.
Back To TopDifferent Generations
There are many different number and letter variations to classify the different savannah cats, but to keep in in simple terms we differentiate the different generations using the (F). All Foundation Savannahs have an F and a number associated with it to indicate how many generations it is from its Serval ancestor. This however is not how TICA will recognize the breed. An F1 kitten would be the first generation removed from the African Serval. An F2 would be the second generation removed from the African Serval, and so on. The percentages are just an estimation. If more Savannah x Savannah mating has occurred rather than outcrosses of a different breed, their percentages will be higher.
- F1 ~57% Serval – one parent will be a serval
- F2 ~35% Serval – one grandparent will be a serval
- F3 ~21% Serval – one great grandparent will be a serval
- F4 ~16% Serval – one great great grandparent will be a serval
- F5 ~11% Serval – one great great great grandparent wil be a serval
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What is an SBT Savannah?
The History of the SBT Savannahs starts here at One elite Savannah. SBT stands for Stud Book Traditional. An SBT is also bred down from the Serval but it is at least 4 Generations removed. While many Savannahs F1 through F5 are diluted with blood of domestic house cats. The SBT Savannah is a “pure” Savannah that has guaranteed only Savannahs as parents for at least 3 Generations.
The size or appearance of an SBT Savannah can be compared to an F4 or an F5 Savannah but there are several advantages to owning an SBT. SBT Savannahs are more consistent in their type. Personality and size are better foreseeable and the temperament is predictable. An SBT Savannah is the perfect choice for a family with other pets and small children.
Why are Savannah Cats so expensive?
Higher percentage Savannahs are very difficult to breed. It takes many years and a lot of luck to mate a Serval with a domesticated cat. Only a few breeders worldwide have had success but as the breed grows we are seeing a more and more.
Servals are 100 % wild cats with special needs in terms of their caging requirements, diet and health care. Caring for pure Servals and mating them to domestic cats is costly, time consuming and demanding, but also rewarding.
The difficulty in breeding the Savannahs and having success is the reason they are so expensive.
A Savannah cat is more than just a pet. It’s a member of your family, bred to meet the goals of people who want a truly special family member for the next decade or two. Savannah cats are carefully and lovingly bred to be healthy, intelligent, and beautiful. This selective breeding takes work, a strong commitment to each cat’s health, and a keen understanding of cat genetics. Here’s what you need to know about Savannah cat pricing, and why cats closer to their wild ancestors are more expensive.
Understanding Filial Generations
Savannah cat pricing is inextricably linked to the cat’s filial generation. This is a number, preceded by F, that indicates how closely related a Savannah cat is to its serval ancestors. The number is an indication of how many generations a cat is removed from its serval cousin. So F1 is the offspring of a serval cat, while F2 is the grandchild of a serval cat, and so on.
Cats more closely related to serval cats are more expensive. The reason for this is pretty simple: serval cats are valuable, and breeding them can be expensive and difficult.
Filial Generations and Pricing
The more closely related a Savannah cat is to the serval cat, the rarer it is. F5, F6, and F7 cats are increasingly common as the breed increases in popularity. They’re also more similar to domesticated cats, and look less like their serval relatives. This means that they’re more common, so people aren’t willing to pay as much. More importantly, they’re easier to breed and do not require the same expertise that breeding an F1, F2, or F3 cat demands.
At One Elite Savannah, all of our cats are carefully bred for health and temperament. So no matter which cat you choose, you can expect a quality pet whom you will love and treasure. We can work with your financial constraints to determine the right cat and the right price point for you.
Other Factors That Affect Price
Higher filial (F1-F3) generations tend to be more expensive, but this is not the only determining factor. Some color patterns are more desirable than others. Specific genetic combinations can also be more desirable. In general, the rarer the cat, the higher the price will be within each filial generation.
Why You Shouldn’t Get a ‘Discount’ Savannah Cat
A cat is not a piece of art or accessory. It’s a living, breathing animal with complex needs. That’s why it’s so important to get a healthy cat who has been bred in a way that minimizes the likelihood of serious health, behavior, or temperament issues. The money you save on a “discount” cat may not be savings at all. If the pricing is too good to be true it usually is. There are many scammers out there. Furthermore, with a discounted cat you could end up spending much more money on veterinarian bills and cat training. And don’t forget about the heartache of living with a cat who is in poor health or who has a bad disposition.
Getting a Savannah cat isn’t like getting a cat from a shelter or adopting a cat from a friend. This is a new breed, and that means that opportunists may capitalize on would-be owners’ naivete. The results can be disastrous.
If you understand the value of a Savannah cat, you need to carefully research your options and choose a breeder who is truly committed to the cat’s welfare. Don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of. One Elite Savannah is the original breeder of Savannah cats. We’ve been doing this for more than three decades. We know how to breed healthy, happy cats that will be beloved family members.
Want to learn more? Need help choosing the right cat? Contact us today!
Savannah cats need to be fed a high quality cat food in wet and dry form. Here at One Elite Savannah our cats diet is typically a combination of a wet, dry and raw meat. The Kittens will get a high nutrient, well balanced wet and dry food as well as cooked chicken. Our Adults get a grain free dry food offered all day as well as a variety of wet food and raw meat once a day. We do recommend that you use a product with no corn as it is hard for the cats to digest and could cause intestinal problems.
Litter Training
All of our kittens are fully litter box trained prior to going to its new home. The kittens will stay with their mothers for a minimum of 6 weeks and the mothers do a great job teaching the little ones the ropes. We use a wood pellet form of litter which is all natural and a great natural deodorizer.
All of our kittens are properly vaccinated prior to leaving our cattery. They are vaccinated against Rhinotracheitis Calicivirus, Panleukopenia, and Chlamydia Psittaci (KV & Chlamydia), and they are typically vaccinated at six, nine, and twelve weeks. All of our kittens are also vaccinated against Rabies for their first year and dosed monthly for protection from fleas, heartworms, roundworms (Toxocara cati), hookworms (Ancylostoma tubaeforme), and ear mites.
Vet Care
Please inform your veterinarian that you are purchasing a hybrid feline, so they can prepare and educate themselves for your new kitten. Savannah cats can potentially have smaller than average livers due to the Serval Ancestry, which can increase the risk of side effects with certain medications. Your veterinarian must use caution when using certain medications for surgical procedures. An isoflurane gas or an injectable anesthetic protocol that is specific to exotic or hybrid bred felines should be used. Your veterinarian is always welcomed to consult with our cattery veterinarian before any procedure. Please contact us for further information, if needed.
Please Do Not Declaw!
Please educate yourself completley before making the decision to declaw your feline. Declawing is actually an amputation to the first joint of the toe and we do not recommend it. Declawing can cause numerous health problems as your kitten gets older not to mention extremely painful all though out the cats life. There are several other ways to prevent your kitten or cat from scratching your furniture.
Hybrid Laws and Regulations
Since Savannah Cats are a fairly new breed and some are considered Hybrid cats, please consult your local fish and wildlife department for the hybrid laws and regulations in your area. Please note that each state, county, and city has different regulations and can change frequently.
Check hybrid laws and regulations in your area by visiting: www.hybridlaw.com
Registration Codes
When breeding Savannah cats the specifics can become very confusing. Here at One Elite Savannah we no longer use any other breeds other than Savannahs and Servals. This is where your abc’s would come from. Since we only breed Savannahs and Servals we will only have our Ancestry and Hybridizations Record codes as follows.
Ancestry Record Code:
- 01- The cat has at least one unknown or unregistered parent.
- 02- The cat has at least one unknown or unregistered grandparent.
- 03- The cat has at least one unknown or unregistered great grandparent.
Hybridization Codes:
- AO- The Cat is the product of two cats from different breeds.
- BO- The cat has at least one grandparent of a different breed.
- CO- The cat has at least one great grandparent of a different breed.
Stud Book Codes:
- SB- The cat has no cats which are unknown, unregistered, or of another breed or breed group within a standard three generation pedigree.
The Following Codes apply to the third position of the pedigree status code.
- T- Traditional: Only the breed in question within a three generation pedigree
- V- Variant: Crosses outside the breed but within the group within a three generation pedigree
- P- Permissible: Crosses outside the breed or breed group which are permitted by the breeding program which has been established for the breed.
- N- Non-Permissible: Crosses outside the breed or breed group which are not among those which are specifically allowed by the breeding program which has been established for the breed.
- S- Species: Outcrosses to species other than Felis cats/Felis domesticus. Such crosses may be used in foundation breeding programs but are by definition considered non-permissible.
For Example:
One of our F1 Savannahs would be TICA registered as an A1S.
- A – (the cat is a product of two different breeds)
- 1 – (one parent is not registered, which is the serval, but can now be registered for breeding purposes only)
- S – (because it is an outcross to a species other than Felis catus , which again is the serval)
Sizing of a Savannah Cat
The size of the Savannah Cat depends very much on the size and type of their parents and also of the percentage of wild blood they inherit from the Serval.
The biggest cats we produce are the Male and Female F1 Savannahs and the F2 Savannah Males. They get about two and a half times larger than domestic house cats, with their weight from 15 to 20 pounds, and occasionally, over 25 pounds. F3 males are often still considerably bigger than a domestic house cat. We have produced F3 males ranging in the lower twenties with their weight but rule is 15 to 18 lean pounds.
F3 Female Savannahs, and all cats of further generations decrease in size but keep their long legs, big ears and the wild appearance. Savannahs need up to 3 years to reach their full size, so please be patient with your kitten.
Each individual cat will differ in size just like us humans. We can never know for sure exactly how big a kitten will get.
Savannah Colors and Patterns
Savannah cats are a new breed of hybrid cats that cross wild serval cats with domestic cats. They’re truly the best of both worlds, offering the acute intelligence, beautiful colors, and athletic prowess of their wild ancestors but with the gentle temperament and high loyalty of a domestic cat. Only spotted and marbled cats are accepted as true Savannah cats by The International Cat Association (TICA). With in these bounds, there are many beautiful color patterns. Some owners also choose nonstandard color patterns. As the founder of the Savannah cat breed, we’re pleased to offer beautiful, loving cats who meet TICA standards. Some available color phases include:
Brown Spotted Tabby:
The perfect choice for an owner who wants to preserve the “wild” look in their Savannah, the brown spotted tabby is the most common coat color. The coat is golden with black spots, though the richness of the hue of the spots varies. Some brown spotted tabbies have grayish coats with more muted spots
Silver Spotted Tabby:
Silver spotted tabbies carry a gene that eliminates the pigment in the agouti hair—the primary hair color, but not the markings. This results in a gray or silver cat with rich black spots. The appearance is quite striking, with a rich contrast between the two coat colors. Silver is the second most popular Savannah cat color.
The spots of marbled Savannahs blend together, creating a beautiful swirled marble appearance. Marbles come in both brown and silver.
Black and Black Smoke:
From a distance, black Savannahs look like they’re solid black. Their coats are solid black, and their spots are even darker. Black smoke Savannahs have a similar color pattern, but with a white undercoat that contrasts with the rich black hue.
Nonstandard Patterns:
Cats with higher filial generation—F followed by a number, to denote how far removed a cat is from its serval ancestors—begin to look more like domestic cats and less like wild serval cats. Occasionally, recessive genes or unusual breeding practices can produce nonstandard colors even in cats closely related to servals. Though these colors are considered undesirable and are not accepted by TICA, some breeders still offer them and some owners think they are quite attractive.
Nonstandard Savannah cat colors include:
- Fawn, a diluted cinnamon color
- Blue, a diluted version of black
- Lilac, a diluted chocolate blue
- Chocolate, which is due to a recessive gene
- Cinnamon, which is due to a recessive gene
A few nonstandard colors are still considered desirable, and we occasionally have cats available in these colors. Those include:
- Snow, a rare color pattern in which the coat is white and the spots are beige.
One Elite Savannah is committed to helping you find the right cat for you. All of our cats are healthy, happy, and beautiful. For Examples of the different color and pattern variations please click on our Photo Gallery Link.
Savannah Personalities
Savannah Cats have very loving and outgoing personalities. They are highly intelligent cats and learn quickly. Most of them love to explore the outside on a leash, or play outside in the safety of an enclosed area. Some love to play fetch and follow their favorite person around like a dog throughout the house. A Savannah expects to be a family member that is involved in every activity, rather than being just a usual house pet. They definitely love water and have surprised us often with spontaneous visits in the running shower. If you are looking for a loving companion or a constant sidekick, a savannah is the pet for you. Take a look below to see which Savannah will be right for your home.
Savannah Trait Differences Between Generations
F1 Savannahs: If you are someone that enjoys being at home and spending tons of time with your animals an F1 Savannah is an option for you. Since these cats are closest to the African Serval they are the ones that require the most attention. If you are headed to bed, the Savannah will not be far behind you. If you are cooking in the kitchen, the Savannah will be there helping filleting the chicken. If you are doing laundry, you know you need help un-folding all the close you just folded. F1 Savannahs need that constant love and attention to remain that loving companion for you and your family. If you or your family travels frequently, or are away from home for 8 hours, then we would not recommend an F1 Savannah for you.
F2 Savannahs: Much like your F1 Savannah your F2’s will also need a lot of time put in to keep that loving and affectionate personality. Although your second generation Savannahs are a little more laid back and they enjoy their cuddle time on the sofa, and that playtime in the shower. With an F2 Savannah you have a little more freedom with still that big exotic look. This is a perfect cat for anyone that wants to spend a little time away from home but still have that larger than normal cat that everyone awes over.
F3 Savannahs: Now that we are entering the middle generations of Savannahs; this is where the more domestic traits come out, just with the added perks of the social aspect of the Servals. F3 Savannahs enjoy nap time, playtime, shower time, cooking time, etc. They will come when you call their name and know when they are being mischievous. F3’s still have that exotic demeanor in which they want their personal cat time to bask in the sun or grooming in the privacy of their kitty home.
F4 Savannahs: F4 Savannahs are very personable and seem to want to know what is going on at all times. They greet your guest with frequent head butts and sample all food left unattended. F4 Savannahs enjoy sleeping in the comfort of your body heat and waking you in the middle of the night for play time. They are very intelligent and seem to get into everything, in a playful manner of course. They do great with other animals and children, especially if they think they have a new friend to play with.
F5 and F6 Savannahs: Lower generation Savannahs are quiet honestly one of the best companions a person could have. They are so loyal to their owners and show so much love and affection to those around them. They still have the dog-like characteristics as the higher generations, but are also well equipped with their domestic behaviors. They love to play with toys, specifically for them, or not. You will often find that they enjoy hiding their favorite toys underneath rugs or in shoes. F5 and generations below will tug at your heart strings and will make you never want to let go. These Savannahs are very adaptive are an all around great cat for anyone.